2025 Tuesday Night Net Controller
Jan: NT9G Jeff Klaus
Feb: K9BDH Brad Haney
Mar: K0GSH Greg Hollenberg
Apr: K9VSK Roger Studer
May: KD9AER Steve Grob
June: KD9IVV Rick Hink
July: KD9VQQ Monte Alkire
Aug: Open
Sep: Open
Oct: WB0IFL Gary Knepp
Nov: K9XE Will Snyder
Dec: KD9IAT Matt Roop
2025 Tuesday Night Winlink Check-in Coordinators:
Jan: AD9W Mike Owens
Feb: K9BDH Brad Haney
Mar: K9XE Will Snyder
Apr: K9VSK Roger Studer
May: K0GSH Greg Hollenberg
June: Open
July: Open
Aug: Open
Sep: Open
Oct: KD9YWC Mike Staub
Nov: K9XE Will Snyder
Dec: WB9IFL Gary Knepp
Click the document to the left to get a list for net control
PREAMBLE to initiate Tuesday Night Net:
Attention all stations, this is (your call sign), acting net control for the Woodford County Repeater Association net on the K9WRA 146.610 repeater located in Metamora, IL and the linked 443.175 repeater located at Proctor Hospital in Peoria, IL. Both repeaters utilize the 103.5 tone. Our mission is public service in cooperation with Woodford County Emergency Management Agency. This net meets each Tuesday night at 9 pm local time and is a directed net.
I will:
1st take check-ins from anyone with club traffic to share with all net participants.
(Take check-in from those with club traffic and let them share their traffic.)
Next I will:
take check-ins that have come in through WinLink over the past week. Will the Winlink Coordinator please give us the WinLink Check-Ins?
(Take report from WinLink Net Coordinator, WinLink Coordinator should share these are Check-Ins from from WinLink Stations over the last week to the WinLink Address WCRANET)
Our check-in order will now proceed as follows. I will take check-ins from any mobile or short timers who are unable to stay for the entire net followed by radio operators in Woodford and surrounding County Towns. Finally, I will take check-ins from internet stations on Echolink.
If you have general traffic to share, please indicate that as you check in, and you will be given an opportunity to share your traffic after Net Control completes all check-ins.
I will now begin taking check-ins, are there any mobile or short-timers who wish to check in at this time?”
Do we have any check-ins from.... (Follow the order of the On-Line Check List)
At the end of Net,
This is (your call sign) Acting Net Control Station.
Net Control will close with “This is… (your call sign) Acting Net Control station returning the 146.610 and 443.175 K9WRA repeaters to general use at (insert time) local time.”