Thank you for showing interest in joining our club. We have several ways for you to be able to join the club. We have added the option to pay via paypal for easy and convenient payments.
You can click on the button below and join that way and we will add you to hamclubonline so you can get our announcements and be able to bid on silent auctions, see our upcoming events and such.
You can also provide your payment to any Club officer and we will then add you manually to so you can still get our email's and announcements.
Dues and donations help the club with keeping our 4 repeaters running in the area, allowing us to invest in newer and more up to date equipment and allowing us to go into our new adventure of "REMOTE CLUB HF". This will allow club members to remotely log into our club HF flex 6400 from a web browser and listen and make contacts when completed.