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Happy Holiday weekend to all club members and non club members that are getting this email. I apologize for interrupting this awesome holiday weekend but wanted to throw out a little info. The Monday after Peoria Superfest I will be be updating REMOTE HAM RADIO with the active membership to allow access to our HF station that they manage. This would mean if you are not paid up to at least 2024 your name will be dropped from having access to the HF radio. I did a lot of thinking on how to manage this and. RHR is very busy and they have been gracious enough to allow us free access on their platform for members. If you don't use. the HF Remote Ham radio then no harm no foul. IF you do or would like to Please make sure your dues are up to date by the end of superset in September. So as long as you're good up to 2024 you will have Access to the HF radio until September 2025. I will not be updating RHR through out the year. We want to be a silent partner and cause them no more extra work. In order to make sure this is seamless we are asking that everyone do go to hamclubonline and make sure you can sign up there as that makes it an easy way to pay your dues and keep a club list up to date for RHR. If you are a member and do not wish to have. RHR access, Please email with your name and call sign and I will mark that as we don't want to have RHR create accounts and manage them that will never get used.

As a side note after I send the list to RHR, those that have never had a log in to RHR will get an email directly from them. If you had a RHR log in or not sure you can always use the email address that is on file with the club and do a forgotten password.

Thank you for your cooperation in this slight shift on how I manage the RHR access.




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